Inclusive Communication Services (ICS) is proud to partner with The Other Side Of Silence (TOSOS) to produce an American Sign Language Interpreted Performance of Pride House in New York City.
Date: Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Location: The Flea Theater in NYC
Tickets: Visit TOSOS’s website for tickets starting at $40.
About the Play: The world premiere of Chris Weikel’s play is set in 1938 in the remote beach community of Cherry Grove on Fire Island. Beatrice Farrar is planning a party for her colorful, flamboyant friends from the New York theatre scene who are visiting. As the guests descend on her summer home, Pride House, she hopes it will be smooth sailing. When several of the “family folk,” the more conservative Long Islanders who vacation in Cherry Grove with their children, arrive for the festivities, things take a decidedly stormy turn. Literally. Little does Beatrice realize, but it is the eve of the great hurricane of 1938, an event which changes Fire Island in ways that reverberate to the present day.
Quote from the Theatre: “TOSOS is committed to making our plays as accessible as possible, and we’re proud to partner with ICS again,” said Kathleen Warnock, TOSOS Associate Artistic Director.