Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, who among us hasn’t experienced terrible audio during a Zoom call, the garbled speech of a speaker communicating through a mask, or a virtual class with so many students, they all speak over each other?
One of the few silver linings of the pandemic has been the realization of how very important ASL interpreting is and not even just for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing.
While receiving in-person sign language interpreting is usually the best choice, it might not always fit your needs. If you find yourself short on time, hosting a COVID-conscious event, or located too far from the nearest available ASL interpreter, booking remote ASL services might be just what you’re looking for.
Here are three reasons video remote interpreting services may be just the thing you never knew you needed:
1. Late notice
Sometimes, it might not occur to you that your event would be best served through American Sign Language until the very last minute. Perhaps you didn’t think there was anybody in your audience with accessibility needs until one of them emailed you, asking about interpreting. With remote ASL services at ICS, you only need two hours of advance notice and reliable internet.
2. Confidentiality
Not everyone with accessibility needs is comfortable disclosing them to others, be that to a facilitator or to a crowd. The advantage of remote ASL interpreting services is that anybody can take advantage without having to disclose doing so.
3. Company Branding
An agency with inclusive branding tends to enjoy a wider audience, a more diverse market, and especially in terms of a virtual event, being inclusive expresses a company’s dedication to equal access for all.
Where Inclusivity and FOMO Meet!
Here at ICS, we don’t just make ADA compliance a priority, but inclusivity too. With so much of the world still operating remotely, inclusion has become even more important, not less. Just because there’s a computer screen between you and your colleagues, concerts, or classrooms shouldn’t mean that you experience a fear of missing out. In the words of Verna Myers, “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion is being asked to dance.”
Written for Inclusive Communication Services by Nicole K. Orr
TypeWell transcriber, audio describer, video captioner, world traveler