The Impact of Including a Deaf Keynote Speaker in Your Conference Line-up with Shezad Nawab MBE

Impact of Deaf Speakers - Shezad Nawab

Diverse representation within conferences and conventions presentations are gaining prominence in today’s society. The inclusion of speakers from various backgrounds, especially from the Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard-of-hearing (HoH) community, brings advantages, such as heightened audience engagement and the introduction of unique perspectives fostering innovation. Inclusive Communication Services (ICS) had the privilege of participating in an insightful discussion with Shezad Nawab, MBE. Recognized as a trailblazer in his field, Shezad is not only a multilingual entrepreneur with a rich tapestry of experiences but also a renowned Deaf keynote speaker.

Deaf Success: From Business Professional to Public Speaker

Based in Birmingham, UK, Shezad Nawab is a sign language polyglot, a seasoned business consultant, and an international speaker. In addition to British, American, Moroccan, South African, and Arabic Sign Languages, he also fluently uses International Sign Language. “Learning multiple sign languages opened doors to a world of diverse communications, enabling me to connect with a broader audience,” he asserts.

Shezad Nawab’s journey into public speaking is marked by enthusiasm and tenacity. He started presenting at gatherings, driven by a desire to challenge the notion that effective communication is solely auditory. “What matters most is making an effort to connect, learn, and engage,” affirms Shezad. 

Tackling Communication Barriers at Conferences 

Traditional conference settings can present communication challenges for Deaf individuals. While crucial accessibility accommodations like interpreters and captioning are essential to ensuring full communication access for Deaf and hard-of-hearing (HoH) attendees, representation within the agenda is a game-changer. The participation of the Deaf and HoH Community at conferences significantly increases when Deaf speakers are featured in presenting roles.

The ability to receive conference content directly from an expert who shares the same language and uniquely understands their background creates a relatable and impactful experience. In Shezad’s personal experience as a keynote speaker, he shares, “It was heartening to witness someone in the audience who, for the first time, felt genuinely included in the conversation due to my presence.” One of the most fulfilling aspects of Shezad’s career is inspiring aspiring Deaf professionals to embrace their differences.

In both the realms of business and public speaking, Shezad believes that people who are Deaf, like himself, have fresh ideas. “Our experiences shape our outlook, enabling us to approach common problems with innovative solutions,” he remarks. Hearing attendees benefit from exposure to these new perspectives, empowering them to broaden their understanding and foster more inclusive and creative environments. At various conferences, Shezad recounted instances where hearing audience members approached him afterward, expressing the profound impact of his insights and perspective. Notably, one businessperson proceeded to collaborate with a Deaf-led business following Shezad’s introduction.

Misconceptions about Deaf Keynote Speakers

People often hold the assumption that Deaf keynote speakers may struggle to connect with hearing audiences, creating a significant barrier to their inclusion. Shezad challenges this notion, stating, “With the right accommodations, such as interpreters or captioning, Deaf speakers can not only connect but also add immense value to an event.” In addition, he offers valuable advice to conference organizers, emphasizing the importance of preparation and honest dialogue to ensure the success of the event for everyone involved. Shezad added, “I truly value every person’s viewpoint. It can strike a chord and motivate others.”

With a sincere desire to prompt a reevaluation of perspectives on inclusion and communication, Shezad aims to help people grasp the complexity of these ideas on a deeper level. “My goal is not solely to teach the principles of effective communication and inclusion but to inspire the audience by showcasing these principles in action. I want attendees to leave my presentation with a tangible model of what’s possible.”

As he continues to champion diversity and inclusion at conferences and beyond, interested groups are encouraged to reach out to Shezad to inquire about his speaking services.

Conferences Promoting Inclusion and Diversity

The positive impact of including diverse speakers, exemplified by Shezad Nawab, MBE, on your conference’s reputation cannot be overstated. It not only elevates the event’s status but also demonstrates a forward-thinking approach that resonates positively with attendees. Moreover, the ripple effects of inclusivity extend far beyond the conference itself. By fostering an environment that values diversity, conferences contribute to a broader cultural shift, promoting inclusivity in professional spheres. The impact of Shezad’s advocacy reaches beyond the event, influencing perceptions and inspiring change on a larger scale. Thank you, Shezad, for being a driving force in promoting diversity and inclusion for conferences, summits, and beyond.

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Picture of Rebecca Hull
Rebecca Hull
Rebecca is a creative deaf professional with a background in social work, specializing in disability advocacy. As our marketing manager at ICS, she is passionate about building connections between communities. Rebecca shares insights from her firsthand experiences with accessibility and disability, enjoys conducting interviews with community members, and writes about Deaf representation and resources in the media. For more information on our staff, visit Our Team page.

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