Exploring The Pros & Cons of Video Remote Sign Language Interpreting

Video Remote Sign Language Interpreting

Video remote sign language interpreting (VRI) can be an effective tool when used correctly and an efficient way to communicate with someone who has hearing loss. On the other hand, this technology has both advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when deciding whether to use it in a given situation. In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of VRI so you can determine if it’s right for your needs.

What does a video remote interpreter do?

A video remote interpreter helps make communication more clear. They communicate to Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons over a two-way live video stream in real time. They work as a member of a team that includes Deaf clients, teachers, family members, and other service providers like doctors, therapists, or lawyers. Online and offline interpreting is required at schools, hospitals,  homes, medical offices, community agencies, government agencies and courts. In addition to being fluent in American Sign Language (ASL), interpreters must also have professional training and, in some cases, certification. Many Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals use video relay services when traveling on vacation or business trips out of town – it’s one way they get to connect with loved ones while they’re away from home!

Do you need VRI?

Whether you’re looking to expand your services or just trying to improve access, VRI can be a useful tool. Here are some key considerations to help you determine if it’s right for your business. When considering whether video remote interpreting (VRI) is a good fit for your practice, it’s important to determine whether or not you really need it. Before making a significant investment in new technology, you should consider how well other forms of communication, such as an in-person sign language interpreter, may better suit your needs at different times.

What are the advantages?

Communication is a basic human need. We want to be heard by others. That’s why we talk—it’s one of our most intrinsic, everyday needs. And if you’re Deaf or hard-of-hearing, your communication needs are only amplified. With video remote sign language interpreting, though, communication barriers are reduced.

Cost and accessibility

Two big advantages to video remote interpreting are its cost and expediency. It’s much cheaper and quicker than sending an interpreter onsite. However, these advantages are only beneficial if the VRI interpreter is sufficiently qualified for your communication needs. Unfortunately, many companies do not adequately screen their interpreters, so it’s important to partner with a local agency that has a strong reputation in the Deaf community.

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Picture of Kaycee Summers
Kaycee Summers
Kaycee is a skilled Deaf professional with a background in education and university advancement. As our Accessibility Coordinator at ICS, her firsthand experience ensures consumer preferences are always prioritized. Kaycee enjoys writing about sign language interpreting from a Deaf perspective, covering industry niches from conferences to classrooms and healthcare. She also delves into specialized areas such as the role and importance of Deaf interpreters. For more information on our staff, visit Our Team page.

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