CART Captioning: Everything You Need to Know for Live and Virtual Events 

What is Communication Access Realtime Translation

What is CART captioning?

CART, an acronym for Communication Access Realtime Translation, refers to the real-time conversion of spoken words into text or captions. The generated text is displayed on a large screen visible to everyone, on a laptop, or on a mobile device. Remote CART services allow captions to be streamed to an internet browser or integrated into platforms such as Zoom and WebEx.

CART is carried out by a human captioner, also known as a stenographer. 

How does CART captioning work?

CART services utilizes a stenograph machine, computer, and highly specialized software to provide instantaneous speech-to-text translation. Let’s break down these elements to better understand behind the scenes of real time captioning. 

The Stenograph Machine is a key tool that enables proficient users to ‘write’ at incredibly high speeds, keeping pace with live conversations. Originating in the late 1800s, these machines have evolved significantly. 

Shorthand Dictionary: Operating without traditional letters, the stenograph keyboard relies on shorthand through keystrokes. Stenographers program a “brief,” condensing a phonetic sound into a single stroke. Specialized software allows stenographers to create personalized shorthand tailored to a specific language and subject matter. Crafting a unique shorthand dictionary is a time-intensive process, taking years for CART captioners to develop. 

Laptop and Internet: The next phase of the CART process involves a laptop connecting to the stenograph machine through a USB cord. To generate a shareable output, components include internet access, a specialized software key, and a streaming service. The specialized software key displays a full text captioned output derived from the inputted shorthand. 

Streaming Service: Subsequently, the streaming service facilitates the sharing of the final output with the client requesting accommodation services, typically through a provided link. Commonly, StreamText is utilized, and in remote settings, live captions can be integrated directly into the meeting platform.

Youtube short video of Live Captioning (CART) on Any Device for your Accessible Event

Large Screen and HDMI Cord: In the final stage of the on-site CART process, the captions are projected for the audience. At large events, several people huddled around a laptop is not the ideal solution and may exclude others who would benefit from accessibility solutions. Connecting the laptop, featuring the finalized output, to a large screen TV or projector using an HDMI cord offers an inclusive solution, enabling all participants to engage with captioned content. 

Flowchart on how CART captioning works

For on-site CART captioning events, what technology and items should I have available?

  • Headphones with a direct audio feed from the presenter: Provide the very best audio possible! Ensuring top-notch audio quality directly correlates with achieving the highest accuracy rates in CART captioning.
  • Reliable internet access and log-in credentials 
  • Early entry to the event space for set-up
  • A designated space or table near the front of the event for the CART captioner
  • A nearby electrical outlet and extension cord or power strip
  • Large-size screen for projection to a group 
  • HDMI cords
  • Safety tape to secure the cords 

For virtual CART captioning events, what information should I have available?

  • Meeting link and passcode
  • Access to join meeting early to set-up and test
  • A point of contact (POC) in case there is an issue

Download our inclusive PDF, “What items should I have available for CART services?” designed to assist you in ensuring seamless event planning.

How can I best support CART captioners?

Preparation is necessary for achieving excellent output. This involves providing information such as names of speakers, scripts, and subject matter content well in advance. It’s important to recognize that captioners program their shorthand dictionaries before the event, tailoring them to suit the specific topics being addressed.

For instance, a conference for accountants would have a different vocabulary than one for marketers. When captioners are better prepared, they are more confident about providing their absolute best work.

How can I book CART captioning services?

Booking CART captioning services with Inclusive Communication Services is simple. Just fill out our request form or email with basic details about your event.

Our accessibility coordinators will promptly provide you with a service quote and a single-signature agreement. For a detailed overview of the booking process, you can refer to our inclusive PDF, “6 Steps to Book CART Services.” 

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Picture of Shelby Edwards
Shelby Edwards
Shelby Edwards is the co-founder and CEO of ICS, a woman- and LGBTQ-owned small business. With over a decade of ASL interpreting experience, she is dedicated to championing affordable, high-quality communication access for all. A passionate advocate for inclusion as a human right, Shelby supports nonprofits and arts organizations through the ICS C.A.R.E.S. program. She enjoys writing accessible how-to guides and shining a spotlight on businesses and organizations making a positive impact in their communities. For more information on our staff, visit Our Team page.

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